CB Auto Apps

CBAuto Beta 0.9.137
CB Auto
Using CB Auto traffic App in the car youcantalk with other drivers for free, stay updated about every eventonthe road, skip traffic jams or closed roads, or just haveaconversation with another driver.Join CB Auto community for live conversations in traffic,insteadof using the old hardware CB Radio stations.We know that when you are in your car you don't want tobedistracted so we made for you the possibility to contactotherdrivers at a simple press of a button.CB Auto works as a walkie talkie (but with bigger coverranges)and it's suitable for anyone who drives on a daily basis,either incity or on national/international roads.You don't have to keep your eyes on your device screen tofindout what's happening on the road ahead. At a simple press ofabutton and you can contact other drivers instantly (app will actasa walkie talkie device).Take advantage of this non-spam, free and safe app indailytraffic, road trips, work related drives or just to stayupdatedabout traffic around you.Current features:- free instant connection to other drivers- different action ranges- driver modeMore features are about to be released in the next versions.